
Earscape: A multiplayer VR Auditory Educational Escape Room


During my time at Aalborg University in Copenhagen as an XR Research Assistant afiiliated with the Multisensory Experience Lab, I designed and developed a multiplayer VR educational escape room about human hearing.

Published Paper

The paper was published as a poster at the VRST 2024 conference. .

This project aims to develop and evaluate a VR educational escape room about human hearing, to understand its impact on the learning, engagement, and motivation of young Danish teenagers. It is at the first stage of development, and should be continued in the future by other researchers from the lab.

C# Code Snippet Example

The following is an example of a snippet of code I wrote during this project. It is part of a networked abstract state machine I developed so as to allow ease of synchronization of different states based on triggers. It uses Netcode for GameObjects and the Stateless C# library.